What to realistically expect from your brand’s social media business page?
Let’s face it, people don’t go to their social media accounts to see an ad from your company. Odds are, people go to social media sites as a distraction. Viewers care about entertainment more than they care about you and your company, so why should you bother with an Instagram account or with any social media?
Can you sell your product to the people you want to sell? Short answer is yes, but it requires a lot of patience and hard work. Unfortunately there’s no magic solution that will give you massive direct sales or large scale exposure right away. Some of you may get lucky and grow at a much faster rate. Others will give up because they are not growing at a rate the thought they would.
Long story short, the key is consistency. Think of your accounts as Brand Exposure.
We like to compare social as the evolution of traditional media, back to the old days where people saw a Television ad and they couldn’t interact with it. If they didn’t change the channel, they were stuck watching your message. Now, viewers are bombarded with lots of advertisements per minute and even have the option to hide/mute your messages. In many ways, your posts and stories will be similar to traditional television advertising. At first, cannot truly know how many direct sales your post had.
So why compare to Television? Think of your post as an ad. Except this is an ad that creates awareness about your brand. You don’t have to bother people with promo codes all the time. People are smart. They can tell an ad from a mile away. The goal isn’t to trick them. The goal is to think of you next time they need a product or service over your competitors. That’s where consistency comes in. Be there for them all the time, not just when you need them to buy something from you.
Our best advice, be the brand people think of when they need your product or service. Create a curated account that reflects the lifestyle of your ideal customer. Many sites will say to look for an ‘engaging photo,’ but that could mean anything. Know that people want to see how cool your company is. They don’t want to see the desperate company looking for more sales. They want to see that you get things done.
Learn more about Engaging Posts Here.
It’s a tough world online. Yes, your post could serve as an ad awareness tool, but it’s a cheap and easily accessible tool that anyone can use. Just like your business, anyone can post as much or more than you can. Don’t get discouraged if your posts aren’t very popular right away. Eventually you will find your core following.
Full disclosure: Top Hat Central offers social media services. The purpose of this post was to address common concerns and comments we see in our community. In addition, we specialize in getting customers through the door of small business using Google My Business and optimizing Websites. Top Hat Central focuses primarily on small or micro businesses. We understand small business owners and their staff often wear many hats to get things done. We can help you wear one less! Give us a call today.
Topic Social Media Info