Not Online? Why you need a web page for your business
Presentation is everything for consumers. You make sure your establishment is presentable for customers that walk in the door, why not do the same for prospective customers online? Selling any products and services is hard work. Odds are you are not the only one in your industry nor the only one open for business. In an age where technology and information is at your fingertips, don’t let your competitors outperform you because you are not prepared. If you do currently do not have a business, we strongly recommend that you consider getting one fast.
You don’t have to sell things online to have a page for your business. Sure, you may have a Facebook or twitter page to tell customers about your products or services, you may even have a verified Google My Business (GMB) account, but those are not the same as having a website. A website is a venue you choosing meant to curate your business for current or potential customers.
Even if your business relies on face to face interactions, you want to be able to sell yourself. It further establishes you as reputable business for web users. Give your customers all the information they need to choose you over your competition. There you show only what you want to show. Even the most basic of websites can help you showcase your best selling items or services, provide an explanation of what you do, or even host a convenient section dedicated to frequently asked questions from your customers.
Then there’s analytics. At times, it may not seem like you are making direct sales or appointments from your site alone, but having a website can help you get a valuable insight to your consumers. You can gather market research on the products your customers look at, for how long, what options do they consider, age range, gender, where are they coming from, and much more. Simply by having a well set up website can yield valuable information you can use in an upcoming marketing campaign.
There’s also a chance you can further entice your customers with your own site. Your webpage is your controlled environment. If you’re only on social media, your potential customers find you through compelling images, but they also find your competitors just as easily. Invest your resources wisely. Why rely on social media alone, when you can be on a variety of platforms. Otherwise your at the platform’s mercy. What if Facebook, twitter, etc. change their terms tomorrow and your business cannot be promoted the same way anymore? It happens all the time. Facebook for business tends to prioritize paid promotions, Twitter has video length restrictions, Instagram requires a certain number of followers before you can insert clickable links. It may be your page, but it’s not your platform. Even a temporary service interruption could mean a missed call to your business. Be there for your customers on your own platform.
Full disclosure, Top Hat Central provides a web design and hosting service. The advice on this page is based on frequently asked questions from our customers. We provide custom made websites coded entirely by our experts. Because our code is proprietary, you can rest assured that you receive what you ask for with no compromises. Additionally, we focus on helping small business better understand the analytic reports on a regular basis. For more information on our services check here. Either way, we believe that small business should have even the most basic of webpages to succeed in their industry. We hope this information helped you make the next step.
Topic Website Tips